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Hibiscus – Not Just A Beautiful Flower

Hibiscus – Not Just A Beautiful Flower

Ever Thought You Might Drink Your Garden?

Ever heard of the hibiscus flower? Have you ever thought about eating it or drinking it as a tea? I have been able to travel south where these flowers bloom daily and man do they smell beautiful! I hadn’t heard of eating or drinking them to improve my health until I was in Mexico a few years ago and had hibiscus tea.

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Are you Crazy for Keto?

Are you Crazy for Keto?

Keto Cool or Keto Crazy?

If there is one topic, I get the most questions about its keto. What is keto? Who is it good for? Do you think it might work for me? How do I start keto? I’m trying keto but I’m not feeling that well, am I doing something wrong? How many carbs can I eat? How much fat should I be eating? The questions keep coming and coming. I have finally decided to offer a solution!

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Ginger - The Root That Can Do It All

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 Are You Ready For The Holiday Food?

Are You Ready For The Holiday Food?

One Month and Counting…

It happened. In fact, it happens every year on this weekend. I turn one year older and the next day, the Christmas decorations appear, and the holiday season begins.

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Is Your Tongue Telling You Something?

Is Your Tongue Telling You Something?

Cracks or Red or Pink or White

Have you ever looked at your tongue? I mean really looked and inspected it? I have discovered over the past few years that your tongue can tell you a lot about your health. The mouth is the entrance point for many things; the air you breathe, the food you eat and lots of little bacteria and microbes. These are all important for our health and by looking in your mouth and inspecting your tongue you can learn some important things your body might be trying to tell you.

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The Sleep Review – Could I Keep Up?

The Sleep Review – Could I Keep Up?

Did Increasing my Sleep Help?

This past week I made a real effort to increase my sleep in an effort to help reach my health and wellness goals. I would like to report that I succeeded in every way, that I followed my own recommendations exactly. Unfortunately, life got in the way. It happens, I know it better than most but I will not give up! I had family visit from out of town, I had work that needed to get done and let’s face it, sometimes as a Mom, I just need a little quiet time and the evening/night is one of the only times I get that.

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A Thanksgiving Tribute

A Thanksgiving Tribute

What should I eat?

As I sit here and write this blog, I am reflecting on all that I have to be thankful for. Today is Canada’s Thanksgiving. A day we spend with family and friends and give thanks for all that we have, all the opportunity, all our possessions, and all our blessings. Along with all, we have let’s give thanks for our food. Most days we take food for granted. It just seems to show up in the grocery store for us to purchase. Have you ever given thought to how incredible it is that we can walk into a grocery store at any time of the year, almost any time of the day and find fresh produce? Baked bread? A cornucopia of deliciousness?

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From Tummy Trouble to Glorious Guts

From Tummy Trouble to Glorious Guts

Build Your Microbiome With Gut Goodies

Last week we talked about some signs and symptoms your gut might be giving you that it needs support. There were the tummy troubles, sugar cravings, weight fluctuations and skin issues. Some of these signs seem obvious but others like skin troubles might not be. This week let’s discuss some simple ways that we can start the process of re-balancing the microbiome and food happens to be at the center.

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Is your Body Trying to Tell You Something? Signs Your Gut Needs Help!

Is your Body Trying to Tell You Something? Signs Your Gut Needs Help!

Trouble with Your Tummy?

When there are things going on with our microbiome balance and our digestive and intestinal systems, it can be subtle at first but can lead to bigger health concerns if not dealt with upfront. Do you know if your gut needs support? Do you know what signs your body is giving you that indicate your microbiome needs help?

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It’s Back to School: Time to Make the Lunches

It’s Back to School: Time to Make the Lunches

Another September – What Are You Sending For Lunch?

Here we go again! Another school year, another ten months of packing lunches. I don’t know about you, but it can be such a struggle in our house!

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Sauerkraut: Real and Raw

Sauerkraut: Real and Raw

What is your sauerkraut doing for your gut?

There are very few of us that NEVER deal with gut issues. Gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and more. I am dedicated to helping those that are dealing with these embarrassing issues and feel they have no where to turn. I once dealt with these issues daily and have done the research to figure out some simple solutions. I learned the power of adding fermented foods to help and with so many choices there is likely an option that will fit even the most discerning palate.

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Is today your day one?

Is today your day one?

Monday, Day One, The Day Everything Changes

How many of us wake up every Monday morning and think, “This is it; this is the week I will change my life!” then by lunch we’re back to our old habits. It’s true, isn’t it? Old habits die hard. I haven’t been through this mental dialogue in many months but found myself psyching up for this past week because I was starting a little cleanse. Monday, day one, wow, what a wake-up call!

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What's Up With Dairy and Wheat?

What's Up With Dairy and Wheat?

The Diary and Wheat Debate

It’s very common for me to have a new client discuss with me their fears about having to give up staples in their diet. Some of these staples include wheat, dairy, corn and soy. I am shocked at how these healthy foods have gotten such a bad reputation! Recently there are even more that are being cast in a negative light like lentils and even bone broth!

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Bugs in Your Belly?? Read this!

Bugs in Your Belly?? Read this!

More about Candida…

In our last blog post we spoke about what having Candida means for your health and the symptoms you may be experiencing as a result of having this yeast overgrowth in your body. You can read all about it here https://www.noshoesnutrition.com/blog .

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Candida, Here's What You Need To Know.

Candida, Here's What You Need To Know.

What Is Candida?

Do you ever experience health issues like; exhaustion, cravings, bad breath, brain fog, joint pain, loss of libido, chronic sinus issues, or urinary tract infections? If you do, it could be a sign that you have a little gut bug call candida wreaking havoc in your body.

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Are you Dealing With Inflammation?

Are you Dealing With Inflammation?

The subtle signs of Inflammation

In the past few weeks I have been trying to experiment with foods that I have cut out over the years to see if I could start introducing them back into my life. Some of these foods are “treats” that I wouldn’t eat on a daily basis but might like to enjoy on occasion and some of them are highly nutritious foods that I cut out because for me and my body, at that time, they were not making me feel my best.

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Is Tracking Your Food A Good Idea?

Is Tracking Your Food A Good Idea?

Is food tracking a good idea?

Tracking what you eat and drink is something we first ask our nutrition coaching clients to do when working with them. There are several ways to track your food and drink. You can keep a food journal and record daily by pen or use an app on your phone/computer to record your daily intake.

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Ready to get Healthy? Don't know where to start?

Ready to get Healthy? Don't know where to start?

No Shoes Nutrition - Our Programs

So, you've been thinking about getting some support to get your health on track but you aren’t really sure what that might look like. We don’t want anything to hold you back so here’s a little information about how we support our clients to reach their health goals.

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Are you Addicted to Sugar? Find Out Today!

Are you Addicted to Sugar? Find Out Today!

10 Tips for Dealing with An Addiction to Sugar

We all love a little sugar, some of us may even love it A LOT! So, when do we know that things have gotten out of control? When do we know that sugar addiction is taking over and we are officially unable to live without it? Well, there are a few signs and symptoms to recognize when your sugar cravings are leading to more of an addiction rather than just a simple craving.

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Ready to Feel Renewed? More Energy For All!!

Ready to Feel Renewed? More Energy For All!!

Today I would like to continue the discussion by introducing adaptogens. Adaptogens are plants which can come in the form of roots, leaves, mushrooms (technically fungi, I know) that can help your body normalize the stress chemicals you produce. This means that if your stress chemicals are high, these plants help lower them back to normal.

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