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New Year - New Food

New Year - New Food

When Did You Last Try a New Food?

It’s the new year, we’re all resolving to get healthy and try to make this the year that we change our ways and hit our goals. So, my question to you is this, when’s the last time you tried a new food? I know, I know, you have your routine, you have your way of doing things, you are doing what works for you but, how’s that working out? I believe the definition of insanity goes some thing like doing the same thing and expecting different results.

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Did You Resolve to the Same Resolution Again this Year?

Did You Resolve to the Same Resolution Again this Year?

New Years Accountability

by Penny DeJager and Megan Barefoot

It’s two weeks into 2019 and it’s time to check in and see if you are still following your resolution. I had one friend resolve to a “dry January” and has slipped up already. This friend didn’t just slip up, they have given up! Another friend was going cold turkey on sugar. They lasted ten days and gave in to half a chocolate bar to deal with the withdrawal headaches. Big goals can mean Big results but they might also need Big support!

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Thank You - From No Shoes Nutrition

Thank You - From No Shoes Nutrition

Anyone who has tried it knows that starting a business is no easy feat. There are SO many more things to think about than I was ever aware of starting No Shoes Nutrition. I have lucked into meeting some very knowledgeable people who have mentored me along the way and I have had the support of my amazing husband who has been there to help me figure things out. My little pet project of starting my own nutrition business has been one of the most life changing endeavors in my career and in my adult life.

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Holiday Stress - Is it Adrenal Fatigue?

Holiday Stress - Is it Adrenal Fatigue?

Are you stressed, tired and feeling like you just can’t get out of bed in the morning? Do you have an afternoon energy low that can stop you in your tracks? Well, there could be a reason for these symptoms if you are not sleeping well and experiencing high levels of stress in your life.

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An Addition to the No Shoes Team

An Addition to the No Shoes Team

New Addition to No Shoes Nutrition

Today is a special day. I am pleased to be introducing to the world to a new addition here at No Shoes Nutrition. Penny DeJager, a former student of mine at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, impressed me so much with her knowledge and love of nutrition last year that after her graduation this past September I asked Penny if she would consider joining No Shoes Nutrition to bring her knowledge base and expertise and join the team. I was delighted when her answer was yes!

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Feel your Feelings to End Emotional Eating

Feel your Feelings to End Emotional Eating

Let’s talk about eating our feelings.

Too often we use food as a physical weapon to conjure a happier feeling within ourselves when things aren’t going well. Most of us were never taught to sit and feel our feelings or understand that if you do have a bad day it’s okay to feel bad. We are scared to feel our feelings and being surrounded by social media where everyone only takes pictures of themselves living their most amazing lives, does not help things.

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How Many Carbs Do I Need?

How Many Carbs Do I Need?

How Many Carbs Do I Need to Eat?

I get asked the question “How many carbs do I need?” on an almost daily basis. Our culture seems almost obsessed with carbohydrates these days and for good reason. Most of the convenience foods that we rely on when we’re busy and when we need a pick-me-up are made of mostly carbs.

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Phyto whats? In Where? And Why?

Phyto whats? In Where? And Why?

Is there more than vitamins and minerals to think about?

When we think about the nutrients in food, we most often think about vitamins like vitamin C in oranges or minerals like calcium and magnesium to keep our bones healthy. Very rarely have I heard a mother say, “Eat those veggies because they are full of phytonutrients!” So, what are these phytochemicals and how do they contribute to our health?

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Is Too Much Stress Making You Tired, Hungry and Fat?

Is Too Much Stress Making You Tired, Hungry and Fat?

Stress, Hormones and Getting Fat

We all have more stress than we should these days. There is traffic, school, career pressure, balancing family and friends with the rest of life and being about to pay for it all. This is not “real” stress, well, at least not in the sense that we are in imminent danger and about to plummet to our death kind of danger. I’m not even sure many of us have experienced that “true” primal stress but that doesn’t mean we haven’t tricked our brains into thinking we are in danger and about to lose everything.

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12 Steps to Better Health - Start TODAY!!

12 Steps to Better Health - Start TODAY!!

Easy Steps to Improve your health TODAY!

Isn’t better health what we all want? We all know what we are supposed to be doing and we all know there are simple steps that can be taken to reach better health. Today I would just like to remind all of us of some simple steps to get us on the right track. I will also share why these steps are important for each of us to work on.

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What's Your Why?

What's Your Why?

Why a Why is so Important

When you are losing weight, trying to improve your health or have any BIG goal it’s important you have a strong “WHY”. This doesn’t mean a reason like “because I should” or “because my doctor told me I need to” although those are both good reasons to start embarking on a change in lifestyle to get healthy, they might not get you through the tough times….and trust me when I say there are likely going to be tough times if the “goal” is a big one.

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Eat Yeast? Are you Serious?

Eat Yeast? Are you Serious?

What is Nutritional Yeast and Is it something I should be eating?

The first time I really learned about nutritional yeast was a couple years ago when reading a food label. What is this funny thing and isn’t yeast supposed to be in bread? I thought yeasty things were bad for my health not something I want in my food!

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Day Thirty - Holiday Health Challenge

Day Thirty - Holiday Health Challenge

Prepare Your Resolution

Here it is! The last weekend of the year. How are you preparing for the New Year? 2018!! I am going to spend some time today preparing for my resolutions and goals that I have set for the coming year. I know what I have to do because we have already set our goals. Now I am going to set myself up for success.

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Day Twenty-Seven - Holiday Health Challenge

Day Twenty-Seven - Holiday Health Challenge

Set Goals

It’s that time of year. The time when we are evaluating what we accomplished this past year and what we are going to do differently next year. Most people start setting New Years resolutions.  I don’t resolve (a firm decision to do or not to do something) to change I embrace (accept and support willingly and enthusiastically) it and I encourage you to do this too! 

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