No Shoes Nutrition—Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant & Coach Calgary

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What's Your Why?

Why a Why is so Important

When you are losing weight, trying to improve your health or have any BIG goal it’s important you have a strong “WHY”. This doesn’t mean a reason like “because I should” or “because my doctor told me I need to” although those are both good reasons to start embarking on a change in lifestyle to get healthy, they might not get you through the tough times….and trust me when I say there are likely going to be tough times if the “goal” is a big one.

There are quite a few of us out there that struggle with health issues that stem from extra weight. The excess may seem to just “fall off” certain people, but for many of us, that’s not our reality. Obesity is the number one preventable cause of death and leading contributor to chronic disease. Fad diets and common weight loss practices of eat less and move more don’t often work and usually result in weight yo-yoing and the person becomes heavier than they were before. There is no perfect weight loss system for everyone. We are all unique and therefore require a unique strategy.

Figuring out your unique strategy can be hard and even knowing where to start can be overwhelming. Getting the support, you need is important, especially if you have a BIG goal to reach. But before you even begin you need to know your why. Why is losing weight important, why are you trying to change your lifestyle and why are these healthy initiatives going to become a part of your everyday life from now until forever?

Most of us wake up everyday and go to work. We may not love our job, but we have a strong why for showing up. We need the money. We need the money to live, to have a home and a car and food. This is very strong motivation for getting out of bed each day and going to work and living through the hassle of early mornings, demanding schedules and stressful work environments. Now you need to develop a strong why for improving your health.

Here are some great “WHY’s” that may get you started:

  • Health Issues – Maybe your doctor has diagnosed you with high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, heart issues, thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, etc.… These are all excellent Why’s to motivate you to change your current way of life.
  • Looking Good – Maybe you are tired of feeling like you don’t look as good as you feel you could. This might seem vain for certain people but if it helps you to make positive changes for your health then I say use it!
  • Pain – Joints, muscles, swelling, aches pains. Getting out of bed in the morning is not what it used to be, you ache and hurt all the time. Did you know that changing you lifestyle and the way you eat can be customized to help this situation? It can be a very powerful Why to motivate you if you could get through your day pain free!
  • Improved Sleep – Are you struggling with sleep issues? Maybe you can’t shut that brain off to fall asleep of perhaps you wake up and can’t get back to sleep. Changing your nutrition can help with this! What if sleep came easily and was less fitful? Would that motivate you to make some changes?
  • Hormone Balance – Weight loss, mood, bloating, cramping, and fatigue every month or all the time. These are some symptoms that can be improved by changing your nutrition and getting those hormones of yours back int better balance. This is a great reason or why to improve your health!
  • Survival – Some of us just want to live long healthy lives. I know that this motivates me. I want to live long, I want to see my children have children and be able to participate in their activities. We ARE living longer but are we living well longer? This is a very powerful why!

When times get tough, when temptation is strong it’s imperative to know your why. Once you know your why, write it down, post it on your fridge, beside your computer screen, in your car, on your bathroom mirror. Make it a mantra that you carry with you and repeat in your head. Knees that work, sleeping better, living longer, feeling my best and looking my best, illness that disappears. These are all great mantras to repeat over and over and remind yourself “why” you are skipping the deep-fried foods, the sugary treats and eating the healthy delicious greens instead.

Want to get even healthier? Do you know your WHY? Could you use some support figuring out your strong why and getting started on a path to better health? Curious about how health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit and sign up for a FREE consultation.  I work with people from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!