No Shoes Nutrition—Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant & Coach Calgary

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Hungover? Here’s some Natural Nutrition to Help!

Did you over-indulge?

It was a great weekend for me. I was celebrating a BIG milestone with friends and family we ate lots, we laughed lots and there were those of us that drank too much. I realized the holidays are on the way and this might happen a little more often for some in the weeks to come. So how can I help you recover faster? Nobody has time for a hangover so let’s explore some nutrition that can help prevent and help recover from indulging with a little alcohol during times of festivities.

Tip #1 – Drink plenty of water. Most people know they should be pacing themselves and trying to drink some water between drinks but for some even more hydration and hangover prevention drink lots of water before you even get to the party. By going in well hydrated you have a better chance of getting up the next morning without feeling your head pounding.

Tip #2 – After a night of drinking it’s not just enough to drink water, it’s also important to include some electrolytes. Coconut water and meat stock/bone broth can replenish calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium lots the night before.  There are also electrolyte tabs you can purchase that dissolve in water, have a little flavor to help balance your electrolytes.

Tip #3 – Add some lemon and honey. The lemon is great for replenishing some of those water-soluble vitamins you lost during your party hours and the honey can help balance your blood sugar that may have fluctuated while you were drinking. Honey also is high in fructose that helps metabolize alcohol.

Tip #4 – Breakfast of Eggs. Eggs are high in the amino acid Cysteine. This powerful amino acid can help break down acetaldehyde, a by-product of alcohol, in the liver which helps you detox the alcohol and feel better faster!

Tip #5 – Probiotics!! Acohol can upset the balance of your microbiome so replenishing your helpful gut bugs with probiotic is important. One strain that is especially important is the bifidus bacteria. Like cysteine in eggs the bifidus probiotic helps break down the toxins from the alcohol and the faster the body can get rid of the toxins the faster you will feel better.

These are just a few tips to help get you through the holiday season. Drinking in moderation is still the best prevention for a hangover, but we all know that some holiday celebrations can get the best of us. If you find that you are out late and have over indulged. If you wake up feeling a bit under the weather the next day, one more way to feel better is to just sleep it off. The body can do its best detoxification when it has time to rest.

Do you want to know more? Are you worried about making it through the holidays healthy? Would you like to know more about how you can begin to get to the root issues holding you back from reaching your health and wellness goals including better sleep? Let’s chat about how holistic nutrition consulting and health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes so that you can feel your best every single day. We can provide recipes, meal and snack ideas and support changes to transform your health! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with us today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit and sign up for a FREE consultation.  We work with women from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!