No Shoes Nutrition—Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant & Coach Calgary

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Day Fifteen - Holiday Health Challenge

Size Does Matter

Today we are going to discuss portion size. What do the “recommended” portions look like?Here are a few easy ways to remember without counting calories or grams of fat, protein and carbs. Remember that your stomach is only able to handle SO much food. If you are a smaller person, your stomach is likely slightly smaller than average, and the opposite is true for a taller than average person.

Protein Suggestions – The recommended amount of protein that the average person should consume at one sitting is 3 ounces. How does this translate to in calories? Roughly 160 calories. A great way to estimate this portion size is to use the palm of your hand or imagine the meat, fish or poultry serving the equivalent size of a deck of cards.

Pasta, Fruit and Vegetables – One cup is the suggested amount for each serving of these foods. (Who knew that pasta servings are not a full plate? I know that’s how I grew up eating it!!) Another way to remember this is to use your fist. Size your portion to the size of your fist and you will be close to the recommended serving size. (Why am I wishing I had bigger hands right now?)

Nuts, Raisins and Grains – If you like to indulge on these goodies be aware that the recommended serving size is only 1-2 ounces.  What does look like?  It is close to half the palm of your hand or roughly 4-5 dice

Popcorn and Chips – I know, not necessarily whole foods but they are likely going to be around this holiday and I think its important to be prepared. These might be foods that you like to use in moderation and its important to know how they stack up! A suggested serving size for these treats is one ounce. Hold on, before you start to panic, please remember that this is by weight!!  An ounce of popcorn or chips is roughly the size of a light bulb.  See not terrible!! You can fill the space between your two cupped hands!

Nut Butters and Hard Cheese – These rich fat packed foods can be part of a very healthy meal but remember that the recommended serving size is one ounce. How does this dense food compare to the popcorn and chips? Think of one serving as roughly the size of a domino or close to the top of your thumb.

Cooking oil, dressings, and butter – The suggested serving size is one teaspoon. That is roughly the size of the tip of your pointer finger.  So, when you’re dressing all those greens and buttering those dinner buns keep this little recommendation in mind.

I know this is a lot to take in.  It is not meant to stop the fun but again, to keep us aware of what we are consuming and in what amounts.  I want to reiterate that these are “suggestions”. There is nothing that says you can only have one suggested serving.  There is nothing that says that you need to cut things out over the holidays.  This is just one more tip to add to your arsenal of ideas to keep you healthy and keep you focused on your health goals, whatever those may be.

Happy Day!!  We are halfway through this challenge!  I am SUPER excited that we have made it halfway to the end of December and are still focused on better health and staying well.  Congratulate yourselves with some self care or a little happy dance (all activity counts!!).  I can’t wait to see who makes it to the end with me!!  Remember to leave a comment below each day!!